
Checkmate for Louis Vuitton - Where fashion meets Law

Louis Vuitton is one of the few fashion houses that strives towards immortality and exclusivity through staple pieces. But, what happens if a luxury...


When Art Borrows: Navigating Copyright in the World of Appropriation Art

Are you ready to immerse yourself in the exciting debate about artistic freedom and legal boundaries? Discover the captivating world of appropriation...


Pricing Creativity: The Art Market's Dance with Appraisal

Dive into the world of art appraisal, where creativity meets valuation. This article explains the origins, meticulous process, and legal significance...


The Apprentice in Austria? - How freedom of speech clashes with right to privacy and honor in film and politics

At the end of 2024, the movie “The Apprentice“, a biopic about Donald Trump, is all over theaters, which might be a result of the recent political...